Key Relationships

Global Oceanic Designs, Inc.’s current development vision, of a “Corporate Machine” includes business entities that share its vision of planetary transformation. Global Oceanic Designs, Inc. offers to the Corporate Machine a set of technological advancements from design structures to energy concepts and building techniques along with transportation systems that will quantify the development of a “Sustainable Planetary Infrastructure”.
Resort Attractions, Inc. is a seasoned tourism development and marketing firm specializing in aquatics – and SeaDog Systems, Inc. is an alternative wave energy development company specializing in hydroelectric energy-conversion and desalination systems.

Global Oceanic Designs, Inc. brings its extensive management experience in technology development, prototype construction and patent processes.
Global also brings its expansive vision for its patented Bi- and Tri-Pyramidal Structural Hulls and related technologies. These hulls are building blocks that will transform infrastructure for the subsurface, surface and beyond while preserving and embracing our world’s natural environment.

SeaDog Systems places high value on these strategic alliances primarily because the principles of each entity share a deep and intimate understanding of, and commitment to, SeaDog Systems’ expansive vision for the SeaDog Wave Pump and related technologies. They each bring years of specialized experience, insightful perspective and unique expertise that will prove to be invaluable to SeaDog Systems’ effort to bring about positive changes at a planetary level.

Resort Attractions, Inc. (RA) is a Texas Corporation founded in 2002 and specializes in water-related tourism, travel and technology, and it maintains a strong focus on innovative tourism development and tourism and travel-related marketing. RA is headquartered adjacent to the Seven Coves Resort on Lake Conroe, just north of Houston, in Willis, Texas.
Global Oceanic Designs considers itself extremely fortunate to have secured the support of Resort Attractions, Inc. for a variety of important reasons.
Resort Attractions’ principle, Kenneth W. Welch, Jr. possesses extraordinary and extensive marketing expertise acquired over the course of his thirty-year involvement in the tourism development and tourism marketing industries. Furthermore, he is intimately familiar with, and possesses a very deep understanding of, Global Oceanic Designs’ corporate goals, strategies and philosophy.
He and Resort Attractions are extremely enthusiastic and very excited about joining forces with the other affiliated firms to become a leading member of Global Oceanic Designs’ recently created strategic alliance, or “Corporate Machine”
As a pioneer in the development of the infomercial and an award-winning marketer of tourism and travel-related developments, products, services and destinations, Kenneth and his firm are uniquely qualified and extremely eager to employ its unique perspective and extensive expertise in direct support of Global’s transformative vision.
Resort Attractions recognizes the extraordinary tourism and travel-related opportunities that will be unlocked by successful deployment of Global’s completely clear submarine, Crystal Quest IV. Underwater recreational opportunities will abound. Submarine cruises, underwater casinos, restaurants/bars, hotel stays in underwater habitats, and even entire communities thriving below the surface will be made possible and cost-effective with proper utilization of Global’s fantastic new submersible hull designs.
It is Resort Attractions’ carefully considered opinion that the time is right for just such a break through and that the potential upside is simply staggering in its enormity!