Laura Taylor

Chief Marketing Consultant

Laura has sustained a relationship with us for over 20 years, after proudly serving in the US Navy and more than adequately satisfies all of our graphic design, branding and marketing needs.

Laura Taylor

Laura Taylor is the principle of To The Point Marketing, a branding and marketing consulting company that more than adequately satisfies all of Global’s graphic design and branding needs. Her intimate understanding of the group’s collective vision allows her to crawl inside of a piece of artwork until it illustrates the entire targeted concept to the viewers.

Mrs. Taylor has a fifteen-year relationship with Mr. Welch that dates back to her position as the head of the graphics design department of ITS, and she graduated top of her class at Brown College in Visual Communications after proudly serving in the US Navy.

As a devoted mother of two, Laura still finds some hours to paint sought-after fine art. She uses all mediums to breathe life into portraits that have not only been published, but awarded on both the national and the international stage.

More About Laura