A Quick Look at Global’s X-Wave Facility Nearing Completion!
Along With SeaDog’s Newly Restored Commercial Pumps…
… Located In the Middle Of the X-Wave Pool …
After almost a year of restoration and equipment upgrades, SeaDog Systems’ Pumps are almost ready to test at Global’s new X-WAVE pool facility. The facility has gone through an intense rehabilitation.
The pool is nearly online and with its new state of the art actuator system, it will be capable of producing waves ranging between 6 inches to a projected maximum of 7 feet. This will facilitate the requirements for testing the SeaDog Wave Pumps before their open sea trial in the Gulf of Mexico.
After almost five years of abandonment in over 10 feet of stagnant pool water, the three SeaDog Wave Pumps were almost completely covered in a thick layer of aquatic slime and rust. The entire structure and the buoyancy blocks required complete cleaning, inspection and restoration.
Over 250 man-hours went into removing the standing water and cleaning the slime off the pumps. Once clear and pressure washed, all components of each pump were thoroughly inspected to ensure no structural damage was present. This evaluation revealed only cosmetic damage to the buoyancy blocks and rust on the framework. Having found no significant structural damage, restoration began.
A specialized crew was hired to take on the task. All the rollers were removed, inspected, cleaned and adjusted along with all the anchor cables. The pump was hand sanded removing all rust and the entire system was treated with Slumberger blue and white marine grade, Acrylithane, 2-part industrial epoxy. The next step of the renovation will be the removal of the entire PVC piping system and its replacement with industrial stainless steel piping. This new piping system will support the pressures required to test the pump’s maximum capacity.
The original SeaDog Wave Pump was also abandoned just inside the gates of the property. This wave pump prototype started it all. It was severely weathered and covered with rust due to exposure to the elements. The same crew tackled the task of this renovation. They pressure washed and sanded every element of the structure. All rollers were cleaned and all anchor cables were readjusted to stabilize the pump on its base.
Additionally, the same marine grade, 2-part Acrylithane coating, in white, yellow and red, was used to preserve the pump and bring it to museum quality. This rehabilitation process will create a long lasting exhibit that will resist weather damage for years to come.
A piston, a piston cylinder, and rod, along with its new commemorative plaque recognizing this pump’s successful operation in the Gulf of Mexico, will complete the restoration. The rejuvenated SeaDog Wave Pump will continue to be on display at Global’s X-WAVE pool testing compound in Willis, TX.